spent a very quick 6 mths with nambi in cadburys, where i largely remember us drowning our sorrows in drink and being amused by him missing yet another flight or train. a quick run through advertising, ibm and a marriage, left me fleeing the country to the wondrous city of pittsburgh. before i knew it i was riding the economic downturn in New York City, living out of a suitcase, dedicating my body and soul at the altar of mckinsey. a great time though, since it taught me a lot about what i really valued in life, let me spend 7 gorgeous months in tanzania and crystallized my interest in international development.
after a short stint in a non profit consulting startup with some ex-mckinsey folk, sold right back to the corporate sector last year. work as as senior director of corporate strategy at lexisnexis (and i swear i cant get u discounts on the cars), one of two people looking after global strategy reporting to the CEO. well in reality, completely being the CEOs bitch as he figures out what his thought for the day is ! and this is when i confess that i work on m&a deals for the company, and for anyone who ever saw me in a fin class...shhh....
spend a lot of time working with non profits, providing planning support to two very interesting ones in India (GiveIndia and Parliamentary Research Services) that I would love to get on my soap box to anyone who is interested. also work on a couple of boards in NYC specifically dealing with dance and domestic violence..
on the personal front, its been a blast, will have to leave it at "what happens in NYC stays in NYC :)"
the numbers that matters
hiking 2/7 summits, (the easiest ones) kilimanjaro and mt.mckinley
travelling to 30+ countries on 5 continents
living on 250 bucks a mth for 7 mths in tanzania
speaking 2 more languages than i used to (spanish and swahili)
having 19 yr olds look at me like i am really old, teaching marketing classes at wharton and nyu
650 muscles that hurt after taking up odissi 15 yrs after my last dance class
heres hoping the next 10 yrs will bring
work with/ start an innovative intl devlpt venture
take a round the world trip for a yr or two or more..
find and buy a beach shack i can escape to every weekend
...and whether pigs have wings?