Wednesday, December 27, 2006

btw, in the photo.....

There were a few people who couldn't make it to the photo shoot....and we'll just have to wait for the official photo (which will be bigger and better) - in the interim, here's the who's who of the photo (click on the photo on the blog page - it enlarges fairly well)

Kneeling/Sitting (L to R, or some approximation of it): Manoj Navalkar, Srini, Doc (Suman Ghose), Prabal, Pervez, Atish, Kalpana, Roli, Jolly, Veeru (Virmani)

Standing (L to R, or some approximation of it): Birdie, Nuj, Rajnish Prasad, Kapil, Alok, Bhabhe, Milind, Susanta, Maggu (Manish Gupta), Satish Jain, Jarvis (only hair), Anurag Bhatnagar, Bhatta, Charnalia, Batra, Pavan Sachdeva, Harsh Raut, Akshay Kapoor, N.Shanx, Saraff, Ritesh, Muthu, Aruna, Mathrani, Ramballs, Bhatwadekar, Dibba (Divya Sehgal), Uncleji (Rohit Mohindra), Karthik, D.Singh, R.Shankar, Puro (with large forehead, expounding wisdom), Punde, Ashu Garg, Sammy Nair, Sabu Gopinath, Vyas, Pankaj Bagri, Sathya, Vivekanand, Atul Nath.

Someone wrote back that he found junta unrecognizable (though I think he was mistaken) - hope this helps.

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